Friday, October 26, 2007

Nov... WatchT

Hey Dez... sorry for waking yah. thanx for doing this:

Desiree: Do you think the world would be a better place if people demonstrated more humility?

Seilah: Well, yeah. Too many people are so proud today. I think no one wants to admit they’re wrong.

Desiree: I know what you mean! But notice what this scripture says about those who are proud. Here at Matthew 23:12... [READ] … so, this is something that Jesus is teaching us to be- humble. And he set the best example of showing humility by coming to Earth, and sacrificing his life for us.

Seilah: Yeah, that’s interesting.

Desiree: Well, I have a magazine that discusses how we can imitate Jesus’ example in showing humility. And it shows the value of showing humility, even in this competitive world.

Kharis: In the past, people often looked to the Bible for guidance. But now many say they have doubts. How do you feel?
Rose: Well, I grew up in religious family. I even went to church-school. I remember my favorite book was Proverbs. But today, I think we have television and the internet, and I think people would rather look there for help.
Kharis: Yeah, it’s interesting how much our world has changed. Well, this special issue of Awake gives c